The 27-year
interval since World War II has witnessed far-reaching change in social,
economic, and political institutions. The literature indicates no
deceleration of this process (Doyle & Goodwill, 1971; Enzer, 1971).
In fact, Toffler (1971) suggests that we are now experiencing
dizzying disorientation brought about by the premature arrival of
the future
(p. 11). The transition from a fatalistic acceptance
of the inevitability of future events to a more positive consideration
of futures?planning is quite recent. Once we think of
futures as events which are at least partly subject to choice and
control, we can work toward improving long-range planning?(Helmer,
1970, p. 1).
Several techniques have been developed to assist in predicting future
events. Among these is the Delphi Technique (Helmer, 1966), which
is a procedure for organizing and sharing expert forecasts about the
future. It has been used in a variety of educational settings (Anderson,
1970; Clarke & Coutts, 1970; Cyphert & Gant, 1970; Doyle &
Goodwill, 1971; Jacobsen, 1970). No studies using this technique were
found in nursing literature, although individuals have made predictions
about future events in nursing education (Burnside & Lenburg,
1970; Mussallem, 1970) and others have recommended that such studies
be done (Applund, 1966; Seyffer, 1965).
A survey of the literature showed that the advantages of using the
Delphi Technique in forecasting were as follows. It can involve a
number of individuals from a wide geographical area while avoiding
the disadvantages of the committee method (Campbell & Hitchin,
1968; Clarke & Coutts, 1970; Doyle & Goodwill, 1971). The
influence of status and forceful personalities among panel members
is eliminated (Cyphert & Gant, 1970; Doyle & Goodwill) and
the problem of commitment to a publicly stated opinion is avoided
(Cyphert & Gant; Doyle & Goodwill).
Criticisms encountered included the following. Criteria for the identification
and selection of experts have not been established (Anderson, 1970;
Campbell & Hitchin, 1968; Cyphert & Gant, 1970; Helmer, 1966;
Helmer & Rescher, 1959). Scholars in the same discipline tend
to think along the same lines which may cause them to arrive at a
consensus of opinion without considering all relevant factors (Boehm,
1970). The process of adapting panellist responses from Questionnaire
I for use in subsequent questionnaire rounds may result in inaccurate
translations of panellist predictions (Boehm; Helmer, 1966). And finally,
not enough is known about the thought processes that are involved
when the future is considered (Helmer, 1966; Weaver, 1971).
Despite these limitations, it has been recommended that studies employing
the Delphi Technique be continued in order to further refine the technique
and to explore its applications.
Purpose of
the Study
The purpose of this study was to explore the potential of the Delphi
Technique in predicting events of the next 50 years in nursing education.
In employing the technique, data were collected about the events that
will occur, when they will occur, and the degree of consensus reached
by the group on events and time.
of Terms
The Delphi Technique is
a carefully designed program of
sequential, individual interrogations (usually conducted through questionnaires?,
interspersed with information feedback on the opinions expressed by
the other participants in previous rounds?(Helmer, 1970, p. 4).
Experts in this study included persons who are presently involved
in nursing education as planners, researchers, or teachers at universities,
colleges, hospitals, professional or government agencies.
Consensus means that at least 75% of the panellists (or 10 of 13)
agree that a specified prediction will occur within a certain time
Dissenting opinions are predictions which do not fall within the time
interval in which the largest number of panellists agree that the
event will occur.
The limitations of this study arose from two sources - the Delphi
Technique and the sample. The limitations arising from the technique
itself were: the inability of individuals to project into the future;
the need to think of all other future developments that would affect
nursing education in the future, e.g. technology, health problems,
primary and secondary educational systems; the possibility of vague
or ambiguous questions; and the possibility of responses being self-fulfilling
and/or self-defeating prophecies. Limitations arising from the sample
were the small number of panellists and the restriction of panellist
selection to Ontario. Assumptions The following assumptions were held:
respondents are competent in the field of nursing education; responses
are individual, no advice is sought from other respondents; and responses
are based on rational judgement.
Sample Selection
Experts were selected on the basis of educational level, rank in educational
institution and/or position in agency or organization. All experts
who were selected as panellists had at least a master's degree. The
selected panel consisted of 16 members as follows: seven assistant
professors or higher in university nursing programs, three directors
from diploma nursing programs, two directors from nursing service
administration in hospitals, three executive officers from professional
nursing organizations, and one nursing consultant from a government
agency. There was one refusal to participate from a diploma nursing
program director and two non-responses from university professors.
The remaining 13 panellists completed the study.
The Delphi Technique
Four rounds, each involving a questionnaire and questionnaire analysis,
were conducted in the following manner.
Round I. Panellists were requested to make a maximum
of 10 predictions regarding the future of nursing education in the
next 50 years. A grouping and collation of responses was done to reduce
the number of predictions to a manageable size.
Round II. The predictions were presented and the panellists
were asked to predict in which time interval they would occur. The
time intervals had been defined by the investigators as 1972-1980,
1980-1990, 1990-2000, 2000-2020, later, and never. Results were tabulated
and reported for each statement in terms of number and predictions
in each time interval.
Round III. Panellists received feedback of their Round
II predictions plus the corresponding response from the total group
for each statement. If a panellist's prediction differed from the
group response, she was requested to revise her prediction or to support
her position. The results were again tabulated and reported for each
statement. Statements achieving consensus were announced. Reasons
for dissenting opinions were incorporated into the next questionnaire.
Round IV. Panellists were asked to reconsider their
predictions in view of the dissenting opinions and to revise them
if they so desired. The additional predictions that achieved consensus
were identified. A description of events that would occur in the future,
as predicted by the consensus of the panel of experts, was composed
and sent to the panellists.
Reactions to the Delphi Technique were also obtained from the panellists.
These were categorized and compared with reactions to the Delphi Technique
reported in the literature.
The data are presented in two sections for each round: part (a) describes
panellists' reactions to each questionnaire and part (b) describes
the results of each questionnaire regarding events, timing, and consensus.
Round I
| Of
16 panellists selected two did not respond; one refused to participate,
saying that it would be too time-consuming; two accepted dubiously,
one questioning the time factor and one questioning her own
expertise. The remaining 11 accepted without comment, for a
total of 13 panellists.
| Of
a total number of 120 statements submitted by panellists, 31
were rejected because they were not directly concerned with
nursing education. The remaining 89 were grouped by the investigators
with assistance in interpretation from an arbiter on statements
that were unclear to the investigators. The statements were
then combined to form a total of 38 statements for Questionnaire
II. This combining and grouping was possible due to repetition
and similarity of predictions. Statements that were selected
included words and phrases used by panellists so that the original
intent could be transmitted and so that panellists would recognize
their own contributions. The following 38 statements comprised
Questionnaire II.
| 1.
| Teacher's
role will be that of resource person and counsellor to aid the
student towards maximum personal growth.
| 2.
| Students
will progress through the curriculum as slowly or as rapidly
as they are individually able. |
| 3.
| Students
will apprentice with skilled nursing practitioners, who are
actively practising and who will serve as role models.
| 4.
| There
will be a return of an internship for specialty services and
nursing service will again become involved in the education
of nurses.
| 5.
| Nursing
education will not be as popular to high school graduates.
| 6.
| There
will be an increased enrolment in basic baccalaureate programs.
| 7.
| An
increase in the male student population will occur.
| 8.
| Nursing
educators will be expected to maintain their clinical competence
by a return to the practice of nursing.
| 9.
| All
levels of nursing, diploma and higher, will be exposed to nursing
research in their courses of study.
| 10.
| Students
will learn to give care wherever there are health programs,
in space, under water, in the north or in another country. (Electronic
translators will permit conversation in any language.)
| 11.
| Students
will learn to give care in a variety of communities and cultures
with persons of all age groups.
| 12.
| Nurse
educators will become more knowledgeable about social, medical,
and economic problems in the developing countries and their
effect on nursing care and will communicate this to their students.
| 13.
| All
education programs will become future-oriented because even
now, as they exist, they are obsolete.
| 14.
| There
will be very few nursing administrative positions available
in departments of nursing, freeing nurse educators to teach.
| 15.
| Clinical
specialization at the doctoral level will develop rapidly.
| 16.
| Clinical
specialization at the master's level will develop rapidly.
| 17.
| Increasing
numbers of nurses will seek graduate education including post-doctoral
| 18.
| There
will be a high percentage of interdisciplinary (core) programs
offered to nursing students enrolled in both community college
and university programs.
| 19.
| There
will be a health sciences faculty, multidisciplinary in nature,
which will develop the overall health worker concept.
| 20.
| Through
co-operative effort, students in the health disciplines will
develop community studies and projects.
| 21.
| Nursing
assistant programs will be upgraded to eventually replace the
present diploma nursing programs.
| 22.
| All
nurses will be prepared in a two-year core program (diploma)
at the community college level with ready access to university
study - baccalaureate - master's - doctoral levels. (Ladder
| 23.
| Certification
courses in all clinical specialties will be offered to graduates
of core programs (diploma) and degree programs, through both
the community college and university faculties of nursing.
| 24.
| All
nurses will be required to return to school for refresher courses
every three to five years in order to ensure that their knowledge
is current.
| 25.
| Nurse
educators in Canada will try to develop programs for graduate
students from underdeveloped countries.
| 26.
| University
schools of nursing will have to give more attention to developing
clinical competence in their graduates, e.g. internship.
| 27.
| Nursing
curricula will consist of a series of problem areas, gradated
according to depth of clinical judgement required for assessment
and nursing intervention.
| 28.
| Schools
of nursing as they exist will pass away and with them will pass
the rigidly imposed structure for nursing education.
| 29.
| There
will be no classrooms, no classes, no group clinical experience.
There will be an enormous resource centre at each centre for
nursing education using, in common with other disciplines, computer
banks of information, instructional programs, and simulated
| 30.
| Diploma
nursing programs as such will cease to exist and will be replaced
by highly skilled technologists in varieties of sub-specialties
emerging out of specialized institutions.
| 31.
| Psychomotor
skills will cease to be emphasized in nursing programs to be
replaced by theory in the principles of care particularly related
to mental health aspects.
| 32.
| Students
will gather information and test their knowledge in their homes,
using individual computer consoles for information retrieval
and computer assisted instruction.
| 33.
| With
computer assistance in manipulating patient data for purposes
of diagnosing and prescribing treatment, educational programs
will focus on prevention, psychological support, and adaptation
to environment.
| 34.
| Audio-visual
devices (video-phone, video-tape, closed circuit TV) will be
used to demonstrate and to evaluate nursing care performance.
| 35.
| Simulated
people with responses programmed by computer will provide laboratory
experience for beginning physical and social skills to permit
the student to see the effects of nursing intervention.
| 36.
| Basic
university programs for the preparation of the high school graduate
in nursing education will be considered uneconomical and will
be phased out.
| 37.
| Basic
preparation of the registered nurse will no longer include hospital
maternity nursing. This will become a continuing education specialty.
| 38.
| Standards
in nursing education will be set by persons who are not nurses.
| Thirteen
panellists indicated in which time interval predicted events
would occur. Six panellists qualified their responses and six
panellists edited some of the statements.
| Consensus
was reached on one statement - number 6.
| Panellists
reconsidered their predictions in view of what other panellists
had predicted and gave reasons for opinions which differed from
the majority. One panellist commented on the ambiguity of the
statements, and of 13 respondents, 12 stated reasons for dissenting
| Consensus
was reached on 12 additional statements (see Table 1).
| Reactions
to the Delphi Technique were, for the most part, positive, e.g.,
Stimulated thinking and discussion about nursing in the
future,?forced one to think by self about difficult and
complex nursing issues,?and encouraged futures planning.?One
panellist felt that the tool had some validity because consensus
was reached on a number of events.
Negative responses included frustrated by the lack of
discussion with colleagues,?would have preferred direct
interchange,?and insufficient time for reflection?(mentioned
by several panellists). One panellist recommended that the study
be conducted on a larger scale with a specific purpose for application
of findings.
Panellists suggested that the Delphi Technique could be used
in the following ways: to solve problems and make decisions
in nursing service administration, to make manpower predictions,
to stimulate discussion groups, to determine the ability of
a group to reach consensus, and to determine future-oriented
| Consensus
was reached on two additional statements (see Table 1), for
a total of 15 out of 38 statements, all occurring between the
years 1972 and 2000.
1 Concensus Reached by Panellists on Future Events in Nursing
Education, by Round and Time Interval
in which consensus reached
| Future
events in nursing education
of Occurence
| 1980-
| 1990-
| 2000-
| Later
| Never
| There
will be an increased enrolment in basic baccalaureate programs.
| X
| Nursing
educators will be expected to maintain their clinical competence
by return to the practice of nursing.
| X
| All
levels of nursing, diploma and higher, will be exposed to nursing
research in their courses of study.
| X
| There
will be very few nursing administrative positions available
in departments of nursing, freeing nurse eductors to teach.
| X
| There
will be a high percentage of interdisciplinary (core) programs
offered to nursing students enrolled in both community college
and university programs.
| X
| There
will be a health science faculty, multidisciplinary in nature,
which will develop the overall health worker concept.
| X
| Through
co-operative effort, students in the health disciplines will
develop community studies and projects.
| X
| All
nurses will be prepared in a two-year core program (diploma)
at the community college level with ready access to university
study - baccalaureate - master's - doctoral levels. (Ladder
| X
| All
nurses will be required to return to school for refresher courses
every three to five years in order to ensure that their knowledge
is current.
| X
| University
schools of nursing will have to give more attention to developing
clinical competemce in their graduates, e.g. internship.
| X
| Nursing
curricula will consist of a series of problem areas, graduated
according to depth of clinical judgements required for assessment
and nursing intervention.
| X
| Schools
of nursing as they exist will pass away and with them will pass
the rigidly imposed structure for nursing education.
| X
| Audio-visual
devices (video-phone, video-tape, closed circuit TV) will be
used to demonstrate and to evaluate nursing care performance.
| X
| Certification
courses in all clinical specialties will be offered to graduates
of core programs (diploma) and degree programs, through both
the community college and university faculties of nursing.
| X
| Simulated
people with responses programmed by computer will provide laboratory
experience for beginning physical and social skills to permit
the student to see the effects of nursing intervention.
| X
and Conclusion
The present study explored the potential use of the Delphi Technique
in predicting future events in nursing education. The technique, as
described in the literature and as used in this study, has a number
of limitations. Simon (1969, p. 274) has questioned the use of expert
opinion, suggesting that expert opinion is better used as guidance
rather than as final data. The procedure for selecting experts to
function as panel members has not been adequately delineated. Helmer
and Rescher (1959) gave two requirements for panel selection, knowledge
in the field and degree of accuracy in predictions. The first criterion
was followed in this study in that rank at the university and position
in the agency were considered. It was not possible to measure for
accuracy of past predictions due to lack of developed methods of measurement.
Not enough is presently known about thought processes that are involved
when attempts are made to conceptualize the future (Weaver, 1971).
How much are predictions based upon rational judgement, background
knowledge, past experience, intuition, and/or wishful thinking? At
the present time there is no reliable method for differentiating between
objective and subjective predictions. In other words, it is difficult
to separate the will happen?from the should happen?(Weaver).
It may also be argued that personal bias could invalidate judgements
and/or the rationality of decision-making, particularly when only
those with dissenting opinions are asked to support their position.
Finally, even though the predictions are made by experts, consensus
is reached, and arguments are rationally supported, unforeseen events
such as scientific breakthroughs may render the predictions inaccurate.
The predicted events about which consensus was achieved were similar
to those suggested by Mussallem (1970) and Burnside and Lenburg (1970),
with the exception of those relating to a systems approach and open
enrolment. These were not predicted by panellists in this study.
In spite of limitations, the response from panellists was positive
(no attrition, expression of interest, and suggestions for potential
uses). This suggests that the Delphi Technique merits further study
and use in other contexts. Weaver states that the Delphi Technique
seems to have promising application as a tool for teaching persons
to think about the future in a more complex way than they
ordinarily would?(Weaver, 1971, p. 271). This suggestion was supported
by the panellists in this study.
In summary, the investigators would recommend: replicating this study
with a larger and more geographically representative sample, combining
the Delphi Technique with other future-oriented methodologies, and
using the technique for purposes other than prediction.
Anderson, D.P. (1970, March). Clarifying and setting objectives on
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Mussallem, H.K. (1970). 2020: Nursing fifty years hence. In M.Q. Innis
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Seyffer, C. (1965). Tomorrow's nurse in a changing world. International
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Simon, J.L. (1969). Basic research methods in social science. New
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* Originally published in Nursing Papers, 1974, Vol. 6, No. 1, 23-32.